Friday 24 April 2009

Kris-Ann's Evaluation

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

  • Title- Our title was ‘Til Death Do Us Part.’ I thought that this used media conventions, as it was able to suggest the plot of the story without giving too much away. We used this title, as it is a wedding vow so it helped to imply the relationship between our two characters. In contrast I thought our title challenged the media convention of having ambiguous titles, as it had a symbolic hidden meaning rather than being just a title, for example ‘The Uninvited’ shows only a suggestion of an unwanted guest, yet that is the only interpretation we may accumulate, yet our title suggests, perhaps a death, a commitment of some sort, companionship and a relationship.

  • Representation- Like horror films we used black and white to represent either a flash back or previous events. for example when the couple argued. We thought that this would also help to explain the history between the two characters. unlike Momento our flash backs were clear of wat time period was being portrayed. due to this factor we were able to to cross dissolve one charter walking in the present to the other walking in the past.

  • Music- our music was actually produced by one of the members of our group. We chose his piece of music as we felt it was able to set the mood and atmosphere of our opening.

.How does your media product represent particular social groups?

our thriller opening does not really have any social groups as our two main characters are both isolated, although this could be interpreted as them being on some sort of journey as neither of them seem to cross pathes with each other, through their sartorial codes we are able to imply that they may be of working class as Robert (Mr. Graham) is seen wearing a suit through the opening. Megan on the other hand is dressed more casually which could imply that her job may not be as important as his. Our opoenieng could represent women rather than social groups as it seems to show that women are more expressive and may react to serious incidents more than men. Our main Character Meagan (Miss. Smith) seems to be a emotional wreck as she seems to loose focus on her job and is left reminising on the past, making her confuse both that and present. she seems to think she is seeing her dead husband but doesn't realise that it is her imagination getting thew better of her. we thought this would act on the stereotype that women are over dramatic, yet we tried to show that, certain situations unless you are in fact a woman.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

i chose Optimum releasing as they are a successful British indepent film distributer. i chose them because they specify in the genre of our given task, with the success of their 2008 movie Eden Lake, they would be able to bring high demand to our film. due to contreversay that circulates around there films we thought that our film would get the same recogniton as like Optimum Releasing, you do not know what to expect from our movie. other releases from this company are


Who would be the audience for your media product?

By doing questionnaires, we decided that our audience would be aged 15+, we chose this a ge as they were more likely to go to the cinema, therefore, they would be more able to give fresh opinions on what they do/don't like to see in movie. we thought that this wou
ld be a suitable age because our openinig is simplistic but able to keep the audience interested. we also chose this age as some of the content may not be suitable for anyone under that age, due to scenes of violence.

How did you attract/address your auience

when we first made our film we thought of only ideas that would make it a normal conventional thriller opening, but then we got our research which showed us that the audience were bored of typical thriller movies as they already knew what to expect from them. so we decided to make it a romantic thriller with a twist. we thought this would be unexpected as they would probably just be expecting an action packed thriller. we thought this way we would be able to expand our audiences by expanding our selected genre. we decided to contrast the images in our movie, that way the audience could decide what they thought was happening. like Alfred Hithcock, we used the music to sugdest the plot, rather than dialouge as we wanted to address the active audience.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

by constructing our film, i have learnt more about the practical approach to editing, i learnt about what scenes would be best fit with others. as i was in charge of editing, i was able to learn more about continuity editing and the problems that may be faced. for example, wen adding the
credits to our film. i first tried fading as i thought this would be effective, but then i realised that by doing this, the credits would be carried to the following sequence which was not helpful, so i decided that it would be best to cross dissolve between the two sections as this way it would get rid of those credits. i also learned how to use imovie on a Mac, this included, 'splitting videos at playhead,' editing, adding effects like black and white to scenes, adding credits to our movie, and the hardest of all, adding the music to our sequence.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

We have have a long way from our prelimanry task as we learnt more about time, by this i meant thot making a movie is not as easy as it looked. due to this we were able to make a timetable of who would be doing different jobs at different times. we also learnt how to use diffeent settings on the camera, for example, when we did our prelimenary task we did not know that there was a light filter on the camera. we learnt more about team work and how easy it was to get things complited if everyone shared jobs. we learnt more about editing and found it a lot easier to bring continutiy to our film.

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