Wednesday 18 March 2009

Our Treatment 

Megan Carter a successful sophisticated teacher who's loved by her colleagues, adored b her students and has a supporting affectionate husband, seems she has everything she could have dreamt of, life seemed perfect until she discovered her husbands infidelity and betrayal. Driven by her rage she commits something she still can 't believe till this day, sadly no-one suspects her because of her perfected image and the grieving way she spoke of her dead husband. This ultimately led the police force to become blinded to even consider Megan as a suspect. Going on with her mediocre lifestyle, her paranoia of being fund out gets the better of her as her state of mind becomes abnormal because she becomes obsessed with other peoples attitudes towards her. 

Megan begins experiencing some flashbacks of the times she had with her husband Robert Carter, missing that intimacy she shared as now she is left cold and lonely. Megan believes her husband has risen from the dead and is haunting her. Unfortunately Megan fails to realise  that it is simply her guilty consience punishing her. Her colleagues begin to see another side to Megan they have never seen before, this only makes Megan more agitated and desperate to keep herself together. Her hallucinations escalate when her husband is able to form threatening words to her. Megan's mental state is getting worse as she allows her dead husband to overpower her mind and body from living her admirable lifestyle.

As more and more of Robert's death is revealed to the audience through every flashback, we begin to realise that Megan may not be the admirable lady we originally thought she was.   

Story Board. FINALLY!!!!

this was actually the fourth story board we made. even though there are just six shots, they are developed more within the writing. we plan to film most of the scenes on tuesday 24th march during period four, as this will be one of our only chances to film both actors together.

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Stress, Stress, Stress

we found that when it came to choosing our actor/actress, it seemed one of the most difficult tasks so far. we had to contemplate on factors like, age, acting ability, how well they worked with eachother, and then on top of all of that we had to work out what times they would be free. In the end we found Mr. Graham (Media teacher, quite young-looking, some sort of acting ability, a shy quirkiness about his his character, therefore making him a suitable actor) to act alongside Miss Smith, (a Drama teacher; also quite young looking, good acting ability, therefore leading her to be the main character.) we chose Miss Smith because of her acting ability, as there are scenes where to she may need to display large amounts of emotion, we became confident that she would fit the role as she would be able to stay in role under that amount of pressure.

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Why it is Psychological

The definition of a psychological thriller is a specific sub-genre of the wide-ranging thriller genre. However, this genre often incorporates elements from the mystery genre in addition to the typical traits of the thriller genre. We decided we would encorporate this theme within our sequence by letting our lead character appear to be mentally unstable. We did this with a series of flash backs of her dead husband. the part where it becomes psychological is where she starts to hallucinate thinking that he is haunting her, yet we find it's only her conscience getting to her. We came up with the title, 'Til Death Do Us Part,' as we thought this way we would be able to incorporate the ideas of what happens when ur partner dies- what emotions are you left feeling, do you feel responsible and most of all, does death really have that power to seperate a bond made infront of God.

Monday 9 March 2009

Audience Research

As a group we designed a questionnaire to help us find out what our target audiences are interested in. Although we had the same questions we added some of our own ones to our questionnaire individually so we get different result rather than the same ones. The most interesting answer i got from the questionnaire was "How often you go to the cinema" and the most popular answer was every month. That should help us in distributing our Thriller within the time our audience are likely to go to the cinema.

Wednesday 4 March 2009

Subsidiary Task + Audience Research

When preparing our 'storyline' for the subsidiary task, we were planning to use many different types of camera shots and techniques to make the filming more interesting for the viewer. After filming some of these shots and playing around with the editing of the filming, we decided this was not necessary as all these embellishments made the filming a bit too complicated, so from then on we made sure our filming was simple and to the point. When filming the female character (Kris-Ann) walking down the corridor to meet the male (Jermaine), we filmed her walking towards the camera, then we filmed her walking away from the camera. We then worked out that using both of these techniques was breaking the 180 degrees rule, and had to change this idea so it didn't break the rule. We have not finished editing the subsidiary task yet, so it's not fully complete, but we will be doing this week so we are ready to begin filming the main psychological thriller opening task.

Sunday 1 March 2009


Our aim for this task was to devise a questionnaire based on our market, about the type of consumer they are. With a list of questions to do with mostly cinema, I wanted to gain an understanding of what elements of a film my target audience would be interested in watching, let alone what films they would pay to watch. Below I have published feedback from the people who answered this and also a tally/pie chart to show the different choices of answers with the amounts.